Il ponte di Leonardo

23juil14 h 00 minIl ponte di LeonardoLanaudière, Canada

Détails de l'événement

Marco Beasley, a specialist in Renaissance music, joins forces with Constantinople to celebrate, in music, a bridge that Leonardo da Vinci designed in 1502. The longest and boldest bridge of the time, it was to span the Bosporus and thus link Europe and Asia. But it was never built; the plans, however, were preserved in the artist’s archives. Five centuries later, Tabassian re-imagines this bridge with the help of 16th- and 17th-century works from the manuscript archives of the national libraries of Istanbul and Florence.

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Sur scène

– Kiya Tabassian, sétar et direction artistique
– Marco Beasley, tenor
– Fabio Accurso, luth
– Didem Başar, kanun
– Marco Ferrari, flûte et ney
– Patrick Graham, percussions
– Tanya Laperrière, violon baroque et viola d’amore
– Stefano Rocco, archlute et guitare baroque


23 juillet 2023 14 h 00 min(GMT-04:00)



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Lanaudière, Canada