Misirli AhmetDarbouka


    Mısırlı Ahmet is a musician whose technique succeeded in breaking down all barriers and opening up new avenues for an ancient musical instrument, the darbuka, revealing his immense talent in the process.

    The master of the Darbouka

    He taught himself to play the darbuka at age 17 and started his musical career in 1987 in Ankara. He soon moved to France, where he discovered new techniques. He also went to Egypt to work with the country’s most famous percussionists. This is when he started using his stage name Mısırlı Ahmet (“Egyptian Ahmet”). Upon his return, he recorded the album Oriental Dance and Percussion. In Istanbul he learned more innovative techniques.

    His impeccable sense of rhythm and famous drum solos can now be heard on albums by various world-famous artists. Declared a “master” of his discipline, he has represented Turkey at countless percussion festivals and special events worldwide.

    In 2006 he won the Liderlik Zirvesi, an annual prize for top musicians awarded by Eduplus.

    His creations with Constantinople

    Keyvan Chemirani sur scène