Odyssey of Krystof Harant

Odyssey of Krystof Harant

The extraordinary life journeys of the Czech humanist Kryštof Harant from Polžice and Bezdružice ended prematurely on the Old Town Square in Prague on June 21, 1621, as a member of Czech estate rebellion. Unfortunately, Harant’s musical legacy remained incomplete due to historical turbulence. The aim of this artistic collaboration between Cappella Mariana and Constantinople is to present all his surviving compositions, including torsos in an authentic arrangement, and to introduce the listeners to his literary legacy, a unique travel to the Holy Land and back, described in his travel book.

Harant’s colourful work guide us on a musical journey to the lands of Cyprus, Jerusalem, Sinai, or Cairo, hearing the music of those lands as he himself heard them. During 16th and 17th centuries, the effervescence of the music and art in general, in the Eastern traditions, from Persia to East-Mediterranean cultures, has highly contributed to build multicultural and inter-influential societies, where dialogue and exchanges between artists from different cultures became common. We can hear these musical migrations, in the selected historical works combined with masterpieces transmitted by oral tradition, through centuries, from one generation to the next one.


The two ensembles Cappella Mariana and Constantinople do not remain on opposite sides of the Bosphorus, but combine their qualities into a joint performance intertwining the two and many cultures of Occident and Orient.

On Stage

Odyssey of Krystof Harant in concerts

Current Month

March 2025

28mar19 h 30 minHarant's OdysseyWhereDortmund, Germany

31mar19 h 30 minHarant's OdysseyWherePraha, Czechia


Current Month

August 2022

10aug21 h 30 minHarant's OdysseyWhereConques, France

November 2022

27nov19 h 30 minHarant's OdysseyWhereQuebec, Canada

30nov20 h 00 minHarant's OdysseyWhereSalt Spring, Canada

December 2022

30nov20 h 00 minHarant's OdysseyWhereSalt Spring, Canada

01dec19 h 30 minHarant's OdysseyWhereVancouver, Canada

03dec20 h 00 minHarant's OdysseyWhereMontreal, Canada

August 2024

20aug20 h 00 minHarant's OdysseyWhereSan Sebastian, Spain

21aug22 h 30 minHarant's OdysseyWhereJaca, Spain

September 2024

21sep19 h 00 minHarant's OdysseyWhereCeska Kamenice, Czech Republic

22sep18 h 00 minHarant's OdysseyWhereHlučín, Czech Republic

Odyssey of Krystof Harant in concerts

To be announced soon.

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